Registered user since Sun 4 Nov 2018
PhD at School of Computing, University of Kent (ongoing)
I am collaborating with my supervisor Dominic Orchard (Kent, UK) and Harley Eades III (Augusta, GA) on Granule, a linear functional language with graded modal types. This is a continuation of research I started during my undergraduate degree. I was awarded a funded research PhD position to continue work in the area of linearity and graded modal types from September 2018.
- I co-authored an extended abstract and gave a joint talk at SREPLS 7 about this work.
- I completed a final year research project about adding (G)ADTs to Granule, along with a working (prototype) Haskell implementation.
Internship at School of Computing, University of Kent (2017)
In the context of CamFort, a static analyser for Fortran source code written in Haskell, I evaluated the possibility of discharging units-of-measure checking and inference to an off-the-shelf SMT solver (Z3). This was my first time both working on a serious Haskell codebase and using SMT solvers.
Industry work
Internship at Google, London (2017)
I worked on extending email preferences for customers of a major Google product. My project involved using Java 8 streams within Google’s infrastructure.
Internship at Adjoint, London (2018)
In the context of a distributed ledger infrastructure built using Haskell, I worked on adding permissions and statically checking absence of concurrency bugs for concurrent, multi-party workflows.
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